Thursday 23 January 2014

Final Website

Screenshot of the website's Homepage

Screenshot of the website's Bandpage

Screenshot of the website's Gig Page

Screenshot of the website's Music Page

Screenshot of the website's Contact Page

Screenshot of the website's Gallery Page

Link to Final Website:

After receiving feedback on the original website idea we were told that it did not create a brand identity for the band as it was vastly different in terms of colour scheme and appearance to the digipack design. After this feedback we decided to scrap the original website design and make a whole new one completely from scratch. This time around we used themes that carried over from the digipack design such as the colours and sketch drawings of flowers. This new design also much better presents the band as the previous website design felt far too corporate for a band of their age and music genre, making this new design overall a much greater success and a much more appropriate website to represent the band.

Friday 17 January 2014

Final Edit

This is our final edit that we will be submitting. Whilst creating the video we had many problems with actors and locations causing us to have to change some of our original narrative to fit what we were able to do. We also realised whilst creating the piece that a song over 4 minutes long was too long and we were advised to shorten it to make the video more compact so that we did not take away from it's effect on the viewer

Significant Shots

Pan Shot
The opening shot of our video is one of the most significant shots within our piece. The shot lasts for 47 seconds and is shot in a single long take. The shot pans from the television around the room and up to the character immediately establishing through the mise-en-scene everything about the protagonist and his way of life as well as the entire mood and feel of the video.

Extreme-Close-Up on Eye
This shot was very technical to create as we had to use artificial lighting to make the pupil go from large to small, we then had to use final cut pro to reverse this shot so that the pupil dilated. This was key to our video as it showed that the character was abnormal or affected by a substance

Green Screen Rise
Taking influence from a shot in Breaking Bad our green-screen shot shows our main characters "spirit" or "soul" rising out of his body up towards the ceiling to initiate his out of body experience.

Opening of Eyes
This close-up of the younger characters eyes show the matching eye colour of the original protagonist, establishing to any audience members who may not have already worked it out that he is a younger version of himself present within the out of body experience

Clock Scream
Although all shot changes in our video have been cut to beats, due to the slower tempo of our song we were unable to demonstrate any obvious beat editing. However we took advantage of this upbeat section to beat edit between shots of a clock and the girlfriend. This section is the one that most clearly shows the trauma of our protagonist due to the dark, abnormal feel that it creates

Into Eye/Kaleidoscope/Out of Eye
These three shots are key to our video as they are the last transition from the characters younger self back to his present day self. The shot goes into the characters eye, we then see a psychedelic sequence followed by the camera once again coming out of the older characters eye. We put this at the most dramatic point in the music as we felt it would had the best effect at this time

Epilogue Scene
This scene concludes the video well as it shows the return to reality and fills in any blanks for the audience as to who the characters within the piece were. For example it is now clear that the girl we see within the clock is the girlfriend of the protagonist of the video and this is why we repeatedly see her earlier in the video

Promotional Video For Band

We filmed this footage over summer during time we spent at the studio with the band, we thought we would put this footage together into a small promotional video using one of their other tracks titled "Banshee"

After effects on green screen

As the original footage in Final cut didn't look realistic, we imported the footage into After Effects and applied a key light 1.2 effect. We then edited the settings to key out the green from the green screen and made the footage blend with the bathroom background. We applied the levels to grade the lights so that the green screen matched the background clip. After, we applied a curl effect, adjusted and added red to give him a realistic skin tone. We slightly adjusted the green and blues to make the colouring as good as possible.

Wednesday 15 January 2014


My digipack is heavily influenced by Arcade Fire - Funeral. The colour scheme is quite warm and matches the website to an extent. The front colour clearly states the band name, originally I used the bands black and white logo but decided the brown matches the scheme a lot more, although the spine sticks to the original colouring. I made sure all 4 pages have a reoccurring theme, using the animals and sketched flowers. The song names on the back page are all shadowed as it looks more artistic and stylised. The inside page has a section of the song 'your majesty', to relate back to the band and the music video we made. The website and digipack are connected, creating brand identity. The colours suggest this, as well as the wildlife sketches. The background of the CD cover is the same as the bathroom flooring, as we felt an off white was better for the band's image. Overall, i think the digipack is successful in expressing the identity of the band.