Wednesday 25 September 2013

Lyric Analysis

Line 1 - Shows unstable mental state of the speaker
           - Knows what is happening isn't real or right
Line 2+3 - Unclear who the lyrics are aimed at, shows whoever is being addressed may be untruthful, shows a certainty in the mind of the speaker of the lyrics
Line 4 - Foreshadows that something negative is going to happen, foreshadows something out of the ordinary
Line 5 - Interest has been lost in speaker, gives impression that the speaker is male, shows characters actions may have lost the woman being addressed
Line 6+7 - Disbelief in what is being said to him, insistence that someone is "kidding" gives a confused sense tot he lyric. creates a feel that the speaker may be addressing himself inside his own head
Line 8+9 - Sense of being trapped, unfulfillment, trapped inside his own head, need to escape
Line 10+11 - Speaker almost begging for target to see him, reason why the speaker needs to be seen
Line 12 - Darker tone in lyrics, sadistic side of speaker
Line 12+14 - Idea that speaker is possibly addressing himself again, telling him to recall past      relationship?
   - Idea that speaker knows he needs to sort out the issues in his relationship

Through the analysis of the lyrics we were able to get many ideas for our video. the idea of the speaker almost being trapped in his own head made us firstly think of making an escapist video however when the song takes a darker tone we realised that we needed a darker visual experience to match it. This gave us the idea of doing an out of body experience as we could incorporate many of the themes put across in the lyrics as well as some of the direct characters mentioned. for example during his out of body experience our character frequently sees a woman whom he can never obtain, this is the "woman" that he addresses through the lyrics. In conclusion i feel that tis was a key task as it gave us a better understanding of the task and gave us many ideas for the visuals of our music video.

1 comment:

  1. Well organised analysis of the lyric analysis with a good variety of brainstormed ideas. Use of terminology and alternative ideas is presented well in the summary.
