Wednesday 18 September 2013

Pitch Original

Rough timings for possible idea for music video
This is an image of our final pitch for the music video, it has rough timings that each section will last for. This timings will be made exact on both te storyboard and animatic however for the pitch we felt that it was more important to sell the idea across with a general sense of time rather than going into the very specific details of what exact shots happened when. The shot outlines all areas of the video and makes it clear that it is a mix of both narrative and conceptual. We feel that it is a good idea as it is original and complex however it is not impossible for us to make as some of the ideas that we came up with in the past were. We feel that the lack of reality in the video creates the dark feel that we are aiming for and also allows the viewer to immerse themselves in the experiences that the protagonist of the video is going through.

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