Thursday 3 October 2013

Storyboard (Annotations Needed)

The storyboard is one of the key tasks as it gives us the basic for our animatic but also is what we will take with us when we do the shoot as it straight away tells us what shot type we are using and gives us the exact order in which shots are put. The storyboard also greatly improves filming by allowing you to see which shots of yours will take place in what locations so you can film all in one place at the same time rather than trying to do it from memory, forgetting shots and having to return. To make the storyboard we drew out images that try to convey as best as possible what will be seen through the camera during that shot of the video. It is however difficult as our video makes use of a lot of long shots and long takes so it looks as if there are not a great deal of shots but this is simply because many of them last for a long period of time.

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