Thursday 3 October 2013

Target Audience Analysis - Social Networks

We are lucky with our artist to have an artist who already has an established prescence for themselves on the internet. Our artist rivera already has their own facebook, twitter and soundcloud page as well as their own website advertising both their music but also telling info about the band. There is a lot of potential for their audience to grow in the near future with the increasing interest in rock/alternative music.

We have collected some screenshots of their audience statistics and images of their fans to show who they are targeting and the typical age group of their audience

Image to show audience size and typical age group

Image to show some audience feedback

Typical Rivera fans taken from Soundcloud

Instantly you can see that the age range for our artists fans is 18-24 year olds as we expected. This is good as the band themselves are in that age range so you can easily create a relationship between fan and artist. Through studying the fans we can see what they like and therefore include this in our music video. Our fans are stereotypically gig goers as when you click on many of their profiles they are either in bands themselves or keen music enthusiasts. This means that the fans will promote the music themselves as they are music lovers and will therefore gain more attention for Rivera.

Analysing our target audience was a key task as it allowed us to see the exact type of people we were aiming our bands video and website at. Through knowing the audience we knew the kind of things that they want and therefore what we should include to make the video most appropriate for them. The more you know about your audience the better you can market your product.

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